Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday run

I had a nice 3 miler down on the Mt Vernon trail on the Potomac.  That's the brand spanking "new" Wilson Bridge off in the distance which used to be considered one of the worst bottlenecks between Maine and Florida on I-95.  It was such a headache for local commuters for years that when construction began, an essay contest was held to determine what lucky commuter would have the gleeful opportunity to push the button on a demolition charge that brought the old span down.  After years of construction it is complete, all ten lanes of it, and now traffic flows easily.

I really have no idea if anybody reads this blog besides me since I find it makes for a great diary of sorts.  Just in case there are readers out there I'd like to publicly thank Ben at Buckeye Outdoors for working to provide such a valuable service to runners and other athletes via his website.  He's responsible for that widget up there that displays recent workout info.  Nice work Ben!