I didn't get in all the runs I had planned for this week due to some flu like symptoms I've been enjoying. I ran anyway on Thursday but I'm not sure that did me a lot of good based on how I'm feeling today. I'm glad the weekend is here so I can rest up and get better. The big development this week is my podcast is now up on itunes. I must admit that if I didn't have
Nigel's help I would have been loster than last years easter egg. His guide and tips available on his website are great. I'm using Audacity for editing and it took awhile to get a handle on that but I'm making progress. I don't think that with everything else going on in my life that I will be able to do more than one episode every two weeks. Between a full time job, pursuing an education in boat design, running, and spending quality time with my wife there isn't a whole lot left. I'm also sure, though, that the next episode won't take as long in "post production".