Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Extra Mile

I really enjoy The Extra Mile podcast.  Hearing from other runners about their experiences is such a huge motivator.  Episode 34 just came out and I was able to listen to it on the way to work this AM.  What struck me about this episode most was Gordon who left a couple voice messages as he was running the Walt Disney World marathon.  This was his first marathon and the raw unfiltered emotion that came through right at the end of the podcast was so genuine and so heartfelt it ran a chill down my spine.  Congratulations to Gordon and the rest of the WDW runners!
The other highlight for me from this podcast was Kevin's mini profile of Krister from the Running the Narrow Path podcast.  Kevin remarked about how far Krister has come with his command of the English language.  It's really quite good, I must say.  I noticed he said "um" or "uh" or "you know" or my favorite "I was like" exactly zero times.  Thanks to Kevin I'll now be subscribing to Krister's podcast.
I did some intervals today along the Potomac by the Memorial bridge which felt good in a weird twisted sort of way and then after I got home kept up with my 200 sit up challenge program.